

You can find the information on cost of each device on the main page of a site, cliquing on the picture or on an icon «More detailed»

If to count up the cost of one liter of water, for Aqvadisk this sum will be less than one kopeck. For any consumer filter 1 liter of water already more than 1 ruble, and for butylated water is no less than 5 rubles per 1 liter. As by means of Aqvadisk you can receive not only qualitative water. Aqvadisk for tighter price and with the same resources improves flavoring qualities of various drinks, for example: tea, coffee, juice, berry juices, alcoholic drinks etc.

The warranty period is 2 years, but it works till 5 years.

Look section «operation principle».

Open Society «Akva-system» manufactures and sells Aqvadisks . You can get original devices only from us or our authorized dealers.

All materials used for manufacturing of devices Aqvadisk have certificates of compliance. Consumer Aqvadisk has the award «Environmentally friendly product».

The Certificate of compliance and the Hygienic certificate, you can familiarize with them in section «Certificates».

Individual number of yours Aqvadisk is written down in the specification.

No, it is not possible, in our laboratory there is a special freezing stand in which there are powerful microscopes.

If in your tap water there is a considerable quantity of mechanical impurity we recommend using at first standard filters, and then Aqvadisk.

You never paid attention to which way to run skaters? Exactly! Counter-clockwise, since in this party our planet the Earth rotates and they should not spend additional forces for resistance to the rotary moment. The same principle is applied and for Aqvadisk.

Inside Aqvadisk there is a composite substance in a semi-liquid state (a honey consistence) and a magnet, which «floats» in this substance. If Aqvadisk long time is in horizontal position, there can be a shift of a magnet from the centre. To be convinced of a correct arrangement of a magnet, take a usual writing paper clip and put it to surface of Aqvadisk. If the paper clip stops in centre of Aqvadisk, everything is all right.

When we twist the water, then there is an additional «absorption» of oxygen. And the redissolved substances being in water, enter with it in reaction. Therefore there is the formation of oxides which will settle on a jug bottom. You always use 4/5 top sheets of water, and 3 cm. from the jug bottom remained untouched. These 3 cm are «ferment» for the next portion of preparation of water.

Water which you put on Aqvadisk, maybe, both boiled, and crude. But you should understand, that in boiled water ALL bacteria, both harmful, and useful will be lost. And at boiled also poison carcinogen-dioxine is formed, and also concentration of salts of heavy metals increases. Certainly, Aqvadisk will correct structure of boiled water, BUT for advantage of your health it is necessary to use daily unboiled water, not less than 2, 5 liters, treated by Aqvadisk, or spring water.

Time twist is one minute. You can do a stop, to change a hand. The very process of «spin» is the inclusion of «Aqvadisk».The more frequent and more intense you are «twist» the water, the faster the processing will occur.

No, it does not increase. Processing time may increase, if your water is insufficiently cleared from impurities. For example, tap water in the spring and in the autumn when at it there is a lot of chlorine or when the cartridge from the filter has already developed the resource and instead of clearing produce pollution

Imagine a honeycombs is a correct hexagons or on another clasters. Very simply, it is possible to present water structure, as a set of related clasters. When we say, that the water is qualitative, it means, that the clasters arrangement is ORDERED. At the deformed structure, clasers have a chaotic arrangement. Spring water has the ORDERED structure, and Aqvadisk ORDERS clasters and returns to water its natural structure. That is why tap water, butylated or the filtered water, after treatment by Akvadisk restores its natural properties.

You should understand, that we are talking about potable water, i.e. tap water, butylated or filtered. If in these waters also will be present a pathogenic flora Aqvadisk cope with it. It is reflected in the hygienic certificate of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Department of the Russian Federation. If the chemical impurity contained in the oxides they will settle on a jug bottom and if in the redissolved kind Aqvadisk will transform them to oxides and they also settle on a bottom.

If you are not home tester to prove to your husband work of Aqvadisk is very simply. Buy a vodka bottle, open it, pour into a glass and carry away in other room. Vodka in a glass will be control. Then take a bottle in the right hand, «twist a snake» and put on Aqvadisk. In ten minutes repeat the twist and, in forty minutes pour to your husband that vodka which stood on Aqvadisk, and then allow to try the control. From vodka which stood on Aqvadisk go fusel oils and toxins will leave and it becomes softer. The same can be done with natural wine or juice.

Protection against fakes which in the last time have become frequent. Be attentive.

At home to define working or not Aqvadisk is simple: -if you are familiar with an electricity and you have a tester you can measure a potential difference, resistance and development of galvanic currents before and after treatment by Aqvadisk. (For deduction in time of qualitative indications input resistance at the device should be not less 20МОm). Akvadisk, working on chemical clearing can be estimated only in chemical laboratories or in our laboratory.

No. Since ferment exceeds norms of maximum concentration limit on potable water. All the rest is on your discretion.

Food grade plastic does not actually exist, water is the great solvent for it. Than more usefully water – that it is more active, than more actively – is better it translates those polymers into monomers. Even on GOST usual (not active) water can contain in food plastic large bottles no more than 3 days.

Quality of water without Aqvadisk preserve to a maximum of 30 hours in a glass-shielded (for example, an aluminium food foil) container (bottle).

All in the world is a wave… “- Max Planck has still told. Each room has its spectrum of frequencies (in other, as well as the person). To excite resonance in the device Aqvadisk really need adaptation from 2 to 4 hours.

You can familiarise with results of our researches in «Research» section. For example, researches of Chemical Faculty of the Moscow State University very visually show what indicators vary and in what direction.

Use 3-liters jars of the Soviet manufacturing. You can use and other subjects from glass, the main thing is that glass was without impurity.

Aqvadisk for baths by a work principle is similar consumer Aqvadisk, but this device functions already in water. The housing in which is concluded itself Aqvadisk, is made of a larch and imbued with natural oleoresin turpentine. Adoption of such baths reminiscent of healing baths Zalmanov. Thus there is a spinal column activation, the skin starts to work actively: to allocate slags and to be humidified. Aqvadisk for baths is very effective when used in conjunction with consumer Aqvadisk.

Cosumer Akvadisk and for baths supplement each other. When you drink the water treated by consumer Aqvadisk, the organism starts to be cleared and restored. But it is not necessary to forget, that a skin are our third kidneys. And through it organism clarification also is carried out. Thus the healthy skin should be elastic and not to be dry. By means of Aqvadisk which restore natural structure of water and its properties to become are most approached to biological requirements of an organism, you can restore the water balance.

Not only adults, but also absolutely small children need qualitative water. Children are especially sensitive not only to chemistry, but also to that «an information dirt» which is present at water. Aqvadisk for baths revitalizes water, sates with its energy, interferes with reproduction of bacteria, additionnaly clears from harmful impurity, and sates with its oxygen. For this reason, such water is very useful for bathing.

Aqvadisk for large volumes can be put in capacity from metal, ceramics and glasses. Plastic containers are not recommended. One Aqvadisk for large volumes is calculated on two cubes of water. If you wish to process the larger volume it is necessary to use a several such Aqvadisk.