
Research activities








AQVADISK clears up, activates and restores the natural structure of drinking water and water-containing liquids.


Medical researches were conducted by GOU VPO «Samara State Medical University of Roszdrav». Research theme: «Indicators of homeostasis of the human body when using structured water, produced by an device AQVADISK».

  1. Receiving structured water, produced by the device “Aqvadisk”, in an amount not less than 2 liters a day for 6 months statistically authentically changes physicochemical and biological indicators of an oral liquid at examinees. Thus, the oral liquid of the person is an informative medium for carrying out of similar researches, what coincides with the point of view, accepted now in the medicine.
  2. In an oral liquid of the examinees receiving within 6 months structured water, made of device «Akvadisk», it was revealed considerable statistically authentic changes of indicators of some ions, and also the total protein content and a decrease of optical density of samples oral liquid. So, in an oral liquid of examinees the content potassium ions has increased by 18, 1 % (3rd month) and by 37, 9 % for 6th month of research. The content of calcium ions has increased in 2, 2 times (!) on 3rd month of experiment and in 1, 8 times (!) on 6th month of research. The content of ions was authentically increased on 6th month of research – by 45, 4 %, and the quantity of phosphorus has increased on 3rd month almost by 40 %. On the contrary, for the same period of research at examinees in an oral liquid the content of chlorine ions to the 3- month of research has decreased by 7 %.
  3. Receiving of the structured water produced by the device «Aqvadisk» to 3-month of research has revealed a significant decrease at average by 65% of a rate of the optical density of oral liquid. At 6-month of research, that index has decrease more than by 70%.
  4. Content in saliva of subjects of total protein to the 3-month of research has decreased by more than 50%. At 6-month of research this index was less than the original, but its value is statistically no different from the background. Considerably (!) (practically in 10 times) the content of albumin in samples of oral fluid has decreased.
  5. The value of the electrical conductivity of oral fluid was statistically authentically decreased during 6-month of research by 32,3%.
  6. In the oral liquid of examinees within 6-month the pH and the content of sodium ions of experiment did not change statistically authentically.
  7. Obtained in the course of the project the new data of the oral fluid under the influence of daily receipting of the optimal amount of structured water produced by the device «Aqvadisk» allow to conclude, that water with similar properties essentially changes the homeostasis of the internal environment of the body and forms in it a new normal sizes of physical and chemical indicators, which until now were not known in fundamental and medical science. Research of all spectrum of physical, chemical and biochemical parameters of the internal environment of the organism, when receiving the optimal amount of structured water, produced by the device «Aqvadisk», would allow to set new norms of human health.
  8. Obtained in the course of the project new data on the physico-chemical and biochemical structure of oral liquid under the influence of daily reception of the optimal amount of the structured water produced by the device «Aqvadisk», can be attributed to the positive logic of the response of the human body to the new water regime.
  9. Change of the content in oral liquid of calcium ions, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, likely reflects a similar process of increasing their content in blood plasma (see Analytical approaches to the study of metabolism in the oral liquid. Manuel, edited by prof. F.N. Gilmiyarova-Moscow.: Publishing house Izvestia 2006. -312 p.). On this basis, proceeding from a physiological role of these investigated ions in a human body and animals, it is possible to predict, that:
    • Increase of calcium ions in saliva is almost 2 times in 2 liters daily reception of structured water, and, consequently, in the internal environment of the human body should have a positive impact on the physiological activity of the following functions: muscle contraction, the process of secretion of hormones by the endocrine glands of internal secretion, the process of transferring excitation through all types of synapses in the CNS and peripheral nervous system, strengthening the role of calcium ions as the major second messenger in the physiological regulation of the function of cells of various organs and systems. It is not excluded that at reception of the structured water the absorption of calcium ions into the small intestine increases, and also increases the activity of the mechanisms of homeostasis of calcium ions as the most rigid physiological constants of the body (see the Normal human physiology. Manual for higher education / edited by academician B.I Tkachenko.- 2 nd ed. Corr. and added. M.: OJSC «Publishing House Medicine», 2005. – 928 p.).
    • Increase of potassium ions in oral liquid at daily reception of the structured water of 2 liters, as reflection of similar change of the content of these ions in the internal environment of the organism, should significantly decrease in excitability of membranes of various cells of an organism, first of all a nervous and muscular tissue.
    • Increase of the magnesium ions content in saliva at 2 liters daily reception of structured water should increase the efficiency of synthesis of hormones and enzymes in the human body.
    • Increase of the phosphorus ions content in saliva at 2 liters daily reception of structured water should be reflected in improvement in the bone, including dental health.
    • Increase in an oral liquid of the calcium and phosphorus ions content may indicate a change in the function of endocrine glands (parathyroid gland – parathyroid hormone, thyroid gland – calcitonin, kidney – calcitriol) that regulate homeostasis of these ions in the internal environment of an organism.
    • Authentic decreasing in quantity of the general fiber protein in an oral liquid of examinees at the 3 rd month of the experiment – reflects the change in protein metabolism in the human body at an optimal daily reception of optimum amount of the structured water;
    • Considerable reduction of optical density of an oral liquid at daily reception of 2 liters of the structured water specifies in the general the overall change, most likely, many physical, chemical and biochemical parameters both an oral liquid, and the internal environment of an organism. It can testify to the unknown person in medicine normalizing influence of daily reception of optimum quantity of the structured water on various functions of a human body.
  10. The received results give the basis to draw a conclusion on necessity of revision of norms of physical, chemical and biochemical indicators of biological environments of a human body taking into account norm of daily reception of the structured water (30-35 ml/kg of body weight).
  11. Visually detected on kristallograms the increase of the protein band transparency in samples of oral liquid of examinees proves to be true objective results of biochemical analysis: decreased rate of optical density by almost in 2-times, namely with 0,087 ± 0,004 units before the experiment to 0,031 ± 0,002 *** units (p <0,001 ) at the end of the third month of study and up to 0,025 ± 0,002 *** units (p <0,001) – after 6 th month; amount of total protein decreased from 2,29 ± 0,33 g / l before the experiment to 1, 18 ± 0,1 * g / l (p <0.05) after the third month of study and up to 1, 59 ± 0,05 g / l (p> 0.05) – after 6 th month. Consequently, kristallograms of the samples oral liquid of the examinees who received 2 liters of structured water on the 3 rd month to objectively reflect the place in the body physical, chemical and biochemical positive changes.
  12. Among the indicators of optical environments of the left eye of examinees is showed a reduction in the refraction in 6 months after the research beginning on-0,13 D and increase in a transparency of optical environments of the same eye at 24 units. As at the population of Russia the average statistical tendency of decrease in size of a refraction is-1.4 D per one year of a life, examinees for 0,5 years have a sharp delay of deterioration of this indicator for the left eye and is note market deterioration of a refraction for the right eye. Consequently, against reception of the structured water there is no deterioration of indicators of optical environments of eyes at examinees. It should be attributed to the extremely positive result of the carried out research.
  13. Results of psycho physiological research (the Test of SAN – state of health, activity mood; Spielberg-Khanin’s test – level of situational and personal anxiety; proof-alphabetic table Eysenck)of the examinees received daily an optimum quantity of structured water within 6 months, have revealed stability of psycho physiological processes
  14. The results of the analysis of value judgment of examinees of their fortune in the course of carrying out of experiment testifies to the general positive effect of reception of the structured water on subjective sensations of each of participants of experiment.
  15. This project opens the era of scientific substantiation of health norms, taking into account a key factor in the internal environment of an organism – its water component.

Results: In the oral liquid of the examinees accepting within 6 months structured water, prepared by means of device AQVADISK, it was received considerable statistically authentic changes of indicators of some ions, and also the total protein content and reduction of optical density of samples of an oral liquid. So, in an oral liquid of examinees the content of potassium ions has increased by 18,1 % (3rd month) and by37,9 %. The content of ions of calcium has increased in 2,2 times (!) on 3rd month of experiment and in 1,8 times (!) on 6th month of research. The quantity of phosphorus has increased on 3rd month almost by 40 %. On the contrary, for the same period of research at examinees in an oral liquid the content of ions of chlorine by 3 month of research has decreased by 7 %

Conclusions: System changes in an organism of the examinees who received structured water, obtained by means of device AQVADISK, are revealed a remarkable in direction and magnitude of the dynamics of physicochemical and biochemical constants of the oral fluid, in slowing the aging eye optical media, to increase transparency kristallogramms oral fluid, stabilization throughout the experiment manifestations of psycho-physiological activity


The all Union centre of eye and plastic surgery of Federal agency on public health services and social development.Since November, 2005 AQVADISK been successfully used in the Department water «Alloplant» and noninvasive methods of treatment. Structured on AQVADISK water is applied to the drinking form «Аlloplant», patients thus mark reduction of a postoperative painful syndrome, improvement of the general state of health and vitality increase. Prepared on AQVADISK water, also is used also for drops on the basis of water «Аlloplant», thus process of regeneration and healing at patients go faster. (The General Director of Center E.R. Мuldashev)


Researches on the coffee conducted in the Analytical Center of Chemical faculty of the Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov have shown:

In solutions of coffee NESKAFE CLASSIC and ground coffee of mark MILLSTONE PREMIUM ARABICA, prepared on tap water and the same water, treated by AQVADISK, differences in taste, that define the aromatic acid, are revealed:

– In the coffee prepared on water, treated by AQVADISK, the content of coffee acid (coffee acid gives coffee a fortress and aroma and its concentration it is proportional to concentration of caffeine, i.e. it improves quality of coffee) is higher by 28 %, than on tap water, and chlorogenic and trihydroxybenzene (trihydroxybenzene acid gives coffee unpleasant “oak” smack, hence, the its smaller, the better flavouring qualities of coffee) became less on 30 and 33 % respectively.

Researches on alcohol-drinks were held the Krasnodar laboratory on grapes processings. In 40 minutes of processing of cognac on AQVADISK, the acetic acid content has decreased in 4 times. In the vodka the quantity of the higher spirits and esthers (fusel oils) has sharply decreased (below normative values ), thus the quantity of ethyl spirit decreases within the values of ethanol is reduced within the meaning embedded on a GOST (not more than 0,5%).



Kushnarenkovsky area of Republic Bashkorstan

КFH «Idel» has 6 hectares of hothouses with a film covering, where cucumbers and tomatoes are grown up. Experiment has shown, that using the water, structured by AQVADISK – immersed for great volumes, essentially influences growth of plants and reduces disease. Tomatoes, seeded on a control site on January, 22 nd, 2003 and watered with the water, treated by AQVADISK-immersed, began to yield a harvest simultaneously with tomatoes, seeded on December, 25th, 2002. Despite adverse climatic conditions of this year, a crop of cucumbers on a control site was on 40 % higher, and on sites, where ordinary water was used, the poor harvest and set of diseases (root decay, a black leg, downy mildew, etc) was observed.


OJSC «NIIizmereniia» was estimated influence of tap water and the water, treated by AQVADISK – immersed for large volumes, on the corrosion of various metals in the water.

Tested plates (electrodes) in water with AKVADISKY – immersed accumulate electrode potential to-250-300 mV. In the tap water without AQVADISK immersed the electrode potential gradually decreased.

Results of measurements have shown, that the water, treated by AQVADISK immersed, has the nature of electrolytic interaction with the metal and this interaction could be due to corrosion resistance, cathodic protection, anodic dissolution, etc.


During the tests for regular racetracks KKC have been experimentally fixed:

  • A substantial increase to 0 ,2 seconds speed skater at each 500 meters.
  • Increasing the strength of the ice in 4 times.
  • Considerable stabilizing influence on the time of the results obtained with the use of chemical and herbal additives.

The ice has received the appreciation from the International Skating Union (ISU), the national committees, sportsmen and trainers. On ice KKC at the World Cup speed skating world’s elite and the European Junior Championship was established 99 personal records of 133 starts and one world record.