The structure of water
Look at these pictures – It is impossible to confuse spring water and water, treated by AQVADISK with tap water, butilated and filtered!

Spring Sergei Radonezhsky (city of Radonezh)

Water out of the Church

Tap water

Tap water, treated by Aqvadisk

Water subjected to membrane purification

Water after the membrane purification, treated by Aqvadisk

Butylated water

Butylated water, treated by Aqvadisk

Water treated by classical music

Water treated by music «hard rock»
All photos of micro crystals in water are copyrighted by LLC «Aqva System».
Technique, laid the foundation of AQVADISK work, and the device are patented (patent for invention № 2192902, № 2182122, certificate of the useful model № 22940, № 43866). The device has received the Grand Prix at the annual World Salon of innovations, scientific researches and new technologies in Bruxelles in 2004 and was awarded by a gold medal. Also, the device was bring under the Register of manufacturers and suppliers of the natural and safe production that meet environmental requirements and was awarded by a gold medal at the International Exhibition «Environmentally friendly product» in 2002 and by a silver medal at the VI International Salon “Archimedes-2003”, and numerous certificates and diplomas.
The devices have a Certificate of Compliance of Russia GOSSTANDART № 5652703 from 24.09.2004 years, sanitary – epidemiological Conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Department of Ministry of Health of Russia № 77.ФЦ.19.361.P.000294.12.03 from 19.12.2003 on the compliance of state sanitary – epidemiological rules and norms